The power of partnerships can transform communities. There are various opportunities to partner with Housing & Neighborhood Preservation and create positive social impact in Virginia Beach.
The power of partnerships can transform communities. There are various opportunities to partner with Housing & Neighborhood Preservation and create positive social impact in Virginia Beach.
Housing & Neighborhood Preservation welcomes the opportunity for organizations and community members to help us in furthering our mission to create quality solutions that expand housing opportunities; promote vibrant, well-maintained neighborhoods; and make homelessness rare, brief and nonrecurring.
If you're a landlord interested in making your unit available to program participants, a nonprofit that serves vulnerable populations, a developer wishing to create affordable housing or a contractor who specializes in home rehabilitation, let’s work together!
Landlords and property managers play a key role in promoting affordable housing by renting your units to families and individuals participating in our various housing programs. Benefits for landlord partners include guaranteed rent, one-time signing bonuses, support for you and your tenants, and more.
General contractors specializing in home rehabilitation are invited to register for opportunities to submit proposals for the department’s Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program (OORP) projects.
The Department receives and reviews funding or approval requests for projects that maintain or expand affordable housing opportunities, and coordinate city reviews of applications for bond financing or support of tax credit projects. Grant opportunities may also be available for nonprofits wishing to develop or maintain affordable housing. To learn more, contact our Housing Development division.
The Department has a diverse network of partners that provide support services for people experiencing homelessness or a housing crisis. Support our community effort and enhance our service system by joining the BEACH Community Partnership, our homelessness coalition of city, faith, and nonprofit organizations.