About Us
Connecting people, housing, and neighborhoods.
Connecting people, housing, and neighborhoods.
Housing & Neighborhood Preservation's mission is to create quality solutions that expand housing opportunities; promote vibrant, well-maintained neighborhoods; and make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring.
The Director's Office ensures the department is continually striving to achieve our mission.
Ruth D. Hill, Director
757-385-5752 | rdhill@vbgov.com
Jasmine Hylton, Executive Assistant
757-385-5894 | jahylton@vbgov.com
Mary Michl, Accountant
757-385-5797 | mmichl@vbgov.com
Housing & Neighborhood Preservation's Code Enforcement Division maintains the safety and appearance of the city's existing structures and properties. The division addresses code violations through enforcement of the Virginia Maintenance Code and the city's property maintenance codes. Code inspectors investigate complaints and patrol their assigned area for building and property maintenance code violations. They notify property owners of violations and take appropriate legal action to obtain compliance. Code Enforcement also coordinates the removal of graffiti on private property and operates the Certificate of Compliance rental inspection program.
To report possible code violations or for information about property maintenance codes, please contact Code Enforcement at (757) 385-4421.
Wells Freed, Housing Code Administrator
757-385-5722 | wfreed@vbgov.com
Jamie Roenker, Code Supervisor – First Precinct
757-373-4855 | jroenker@vbgov.com
Eddie Howard, Code Supervisor – Second Precinct
757-373-4869 | jhoward@vbgov.com
Trevor McReynolds, Code Supervisor – Third Precinct
757-282-1156 | TMcreynolds@VBgov.com
Cliff Miller, Code Supervisor – Fourth Precinct
(757) 373-4851 | JCMiller@vbgov.com
The Rental Housing Division provides access to a wider range of neighborhoods and housing to households with low income, including seniors, veterans, and families and individuals with severe mental illness and intellectual disabilities, by subsidizing quality, affordable rental housing provided by the private landlords. The division provides more than $20 million in rental housing assistance through the federal Housing Choice Voucher program and other state programs to help more than 2,300 Virginia Beach households maintain or obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing.
Contact Rental Housing at (757) 385-5750.
Ruth D. Hill, Director/Interim Rental Housing Administrator
757-385-5752 | rdhill@vbgov.com
The Homeless Services Division works to make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring for families and individuals in Virginia Beach. The division coordinates the Homeless Response System and provides administrative support to the Continuum of Care (CoC). Each year, more than $2 million is granted through the Continuum of Care to Virginia Beach agencies that provide housing and supportive services to the homeless. The division also oversees the operations of the Housing Resource Center.
Pamela Shine, Homeless Services Administrator
757-385-5761 | pshine@vbgov.com
The Housing Development Division develops or facilitates the preservation and/or development of decent, safe and affordable housing opportunities. Additionally, Housing Development is responsible for receiving and reviewing requests for the funding or approval of projects to maintain or expand affordable housing opportunities.
Karen Prochilo, Housing Development Administrator
757-385-5803 | kprochil@vbgov.com