Strategic Plans
Housing & Neighborhood Preservation’s strategic plans outline how federal entitlement grants are allocated to address housing needs in our community.
Housing & Neighborhood Preservation’s strategic plans outline how federal entitlement grants are allocated to address housing needs in our community.
Each year, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that the City of Virginia Beach submit an Annual Action Plan (AAP). The plan outlines how the city will use and allocate funding under the following federal entitlement grants:
These funds have been used to support programs to address various affordable housing needs in the city, including addressing homelessness, creating affordable housing opportunities and providing home rehabilitation grants and loans for low- to moderate-income homeowners.
The HOME American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Program was created under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to provide affordable housing, housing services, and shelter to individuals experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations.
HOME-ARP funds can be used for four general eligible activities under the HUD HOME Program:
The City of Virginia Beach has been allocated $3,840,395.00 in HOME ARP funds. The city submitted an allocation plan to HUD as a substantial amendment to its FY 21-22 Annual Action Plan in order to receive funding.
The plan included input from community stakeholders, the needs assessment survey of 2021, and other historical program gap analysis and data input. The HOME ARP Plan Amendment* must be approved by HUD prior to funds being available for the expansion of existing programs.
* Submitted to HUD, but not yet approved
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires the City to develop a Five-Year Consolidated Strategic Plan (CSP) to develop priorities for the following federal entitlement grants: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA).
The plan also provides a summary of the City's housing and community development needs, resources, and strategies, and is a management tool for assessing performance and tracking results. The Annual Action Plan (AAP) is based on the approved Five-Year CSP.
Virginia Beach Housing & Neighborhood Preservation is drafting its 2025-2030 CSP. The department is seeking resident input on critical housing needs to help guide the priorities and strategies for these programs in Virginia Beach over the next five years.
To provide input, residents can attend the public hearing on Feb. 12 or take the online housing needs survey through March 2.
The Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) provides information on the department's accomplishments and progress toward meeting goals outlined in the Five-Year Consolidated and Strategy Plan. To view or obtain a copy of the current CAPER, please contact Mary Michl at 757-385-5797 or MMichl@VBgov.com.
The draft FY 2023-2024 caper was submitted to HUD on Sept. 30, 2024. To review the draft CAPER, contact Mary Michl at 757-385-5797 or MMichl@VBgov.com.