HCV Inspections
Our team of code inspectors conducts initial, annual, and biennial inspections of all units to help make sure units are safe, decent, and sanitary for HCV applicants and participants.
Our team of code inspectors conducts initial, annual, and biennial inspections of all units to help make sure units are safe, decent, and sanitary for HCV applicants and participants.
Housing & Neighborhood Preservation’s Rental Housing division conducts new unit (initial) and annual inspections to make sure rental units meet Housing Quality Standards (HQS) and Virginia Maintenance Code (VMC) requirements.
When repairs are necessary, a notice of violation is issued to the landlord and the tenant with a specified time given for correction (normally 21 days). If all previously cited code violations have been corrected, no further action will be required. If not, Rental Housing may stop making Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) to property owners or suspend tenant benefits, depending on who is responsible for correcting the violations, until the unit is in full compliance. Landlords who are unable to make the necessary repairs prior to the deadline must request an extension in writing by emailing Shawnti Todd at HCVInspections@vbgov.com.
In cases where violations are continuously not corrected by the landlord, the City has the right to void HAP contracts. Tenants may request an informal hearing with their housing specialist to determine further assistance.
For new unit inspections, all applicable utilities must be on at the time of the inspection, so that all equipment and fixtures can be properly inspected.
New requirements for smoke alarms in federally assisted rental housing units will be phased in during 2024-2025. These requirements may impact rental housing units that are enrolled in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and other Housing & Neighborhood Preservation rental assistance programs.
Please refer to the list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about these upcoming changes and timelines. For resources on smoke alarms, visit Virginia Beach Fire Department’s website.
Dale Dozier
Code Inspector
Robert Etheridge
Chris Sale
Code Inspector