Housing Resource Center
The Virginia Beach Housing Resource Center is a one-stop shop of services for families and individuals experiencing homelessness or a housing crisis.
The Virginia Beach Housing Resource Center is a one-stop shop of services for families and individuals experiencing homelessness or a housing crisis.
The integration of shelter, housing, health center, dining hall cafeteria, learning facility, supportive services, and community resources in one facility makes the Housing Resource Center (HRC) the first of its kind in South Hampton Roads.
At the Housing Resource Center, our community system of City agencies, nonprofit service providers, and faith organizations are able to focus and grow our efforts to make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring in Virginia Beach.
The Housing Resource Center will provide new opportunities and resources for homeless families and individuals to put down roots. Participants at the Housing Resource Center start on their housing and employment plans on day one. Staff will help families and individuals connect to available housing opportunities and be successful.